welcome to oniraglika -
sweet dreams Naxos

oniraglika Naxos
about Diana
oniraglika is the name of the jewellery brand founded by designer Diana Brechtken in the year 2008 on the island of Naxos, a Greek paradise in the southern Aegean Sea. Each item is created personally by Diana and inspired by the beauty that surrounds her. She started designing jewellery at the age of 16 and three years later, she began her own business selling her creations on weekends to the handcrafts and art markets all around Kassel, Germany, where she lived and studied Social work. After finishing her University studies, she spent a year working in that profession before realising that her heart was not truly into it and so she returned to making jewellery and never looked back.
After visiting several other Greek islands as a site for her first boutique, Diana was reminded of a friend who told her about the possibility of opening a little shop close to the steps of the Kastro of Naxos which offered busy tourist traffic during the summer season as well as an idyllic setting full of mystery, history and romance. Upon her arrival there, she recognised that Naxos offered her exactly what she was searching for and after her first summer decided that she would not return to Germany, making this charming island her permanent home instead. In spring of 2010, she found a house on top of the Kastro, the castle of Naxos, where she now lives and works with colours, papier maché and marble and where is now also the boutique where she is making the jewellery.
Fully in love with her new life and her work, Diana named her shop Onira Glika in the Greek language in recognition of her own fairy tale coming true. Onira (όνειρα) is Greek for dreams and Glika (γλυκά) means sweet or sweets and the lyrical sound of these words spoken in perfect Greek seemed to be the most beautiful words she had ever heard. The “yiayia”, (the local word for grandmother) would always say it to the kids, as they went to bed at night to travel safely in their dreams. This reminded her of her own grandmother who always supported her efforts, believing that “souls are going back to where they are from”…